Here are my goals for the month of August...
* PLAN AHEAD: My goal is to continue to try and plan ahead. Obviously plans can change, but it's always nice to be ready. This way you can add extra activities if needed. It helps stay stress-free. It can open up your weekends too! Bonus!
*GET MY CLASSROOM READY: I am currently working hard in my classroom. Hopefully making it a great atmosphere for learning and overall I want my students to feel comfortable in their classroom. I hope to show you a tour soon!
*STRESS-FREE: So far, knock on wood, I have remained Stress-Free! By planning ahead I think this will start the year off stress-free. It's nice to come into your room ready to teach! I also plan on keeping positive relationships with coworkers, students and their families.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: Lately, I have read blogs that teachers write about keeping healthy and positive relationships with others. People have talked about making sure they stay away from negativity. I couldn't agree more! It is so important to remain who you are and communicate with people who make you feel like you can be yourself. Surround yourself with people who respect you! Sometimes this can be hard bc of people disrespecting you or others, but always take the high road and don't let it bother you! People's true colors will come out one way or the other and people will notice. Always remember EVERYONE HAS A STORY. Make sure you communicate with everyone no matter what! You want to make sure you enjoy each day in a positive way! Staying positive will help you remain stress-free and worry-free! You can start by saying hello, asking people how they are or how there day is going, invite people to join in on an activity or ask people for advice. These are all ways to start or keep positive relationships. I have found a great way to keep positive relationships at work and can't wait to start! I will share more about this at a later time!
STAY HEALTHY: I want to make sure I work on staying healthy, whether I start walking more, drinking water, or eating more greens. Overall, I need to start drinking more water! I have my Tervis cups ready! :)
There you have it...these are my goals for August!
As a teacher I LOVED this idea...even for the classroom. Within my classroom we set goals for reading, writing, and many other things, but the students' goals can be personal or academic goals. Then at the end of each month we will reflect on our list and see what was accomplished, how we felt, and discuss where to go from there.
Are one of your goals to blog more? If so this may be a great way to start! I thought it would be a great idea to start a linky with all of you. You never know what ideas you can get from a list of goals. You are more than welcome to join me at the end of the month to not only set new goals but recap on the previous month.
Grab this image if you want to set a list of goals for yourself...
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.