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Friday, July 10, 2015

Freebie Friday!

Happy Friday friends!  Can't believe how fast this week is going, but excited that this is the last day of "Let's take a gamble and have some fun". Hope you all found one of the posts from this week helpful!  Today I get to tag a freebie from my store and find a freebie from any store on TpT.  Back to school is going to be a focus in about a month, I thought it would be a good idea to post something that would be helpful for the beginning of the school year.

I created labels for school supplies.  When it is "Meet the Teacher" night, students bring in their supplies.  I place each label on a box for students to place their supplies.  I also included mini supply labels to place within the classroom.  It is a great visual and organizational item.  Hope you enjoy!

The next item I want to share is my Boggle Freebie....thought I'd include one more freebie. Click on the worksheet for the freebie!

The next Freebie I found was a clipart set for back to school. I thought this was a great freebie especially if you create items for your own classroom!  It would be perfect for a welcome letter, open house presentation, etc.  You can find a lot of uses out of this clipart. It's so cute too! I found it at Krista Wallden's TpT store.

The other freebie I found is at Down Under Teacher TpT store.  I thought these strategy cards would be great to post on a reading bulletin board.  You use these as part of your CAFE program within your classroom.  I use strategy cards to help students make reading goals.

Well this wraps up our week! Hopefully you found something helpful! This week helped me get back into blogging!  I am soooo thankful Heather from The Land of I Can joined me!  Go check out her blog!

Don't forget to link up and enter the GIVEAWAY!


  1. It also helped me get back into it Brigid! Thanks for hosting! And I'm heading to TPT now for those labels :-)

    The Land of I Can

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