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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Classroom Tour Linky

Are you starting to get back into your classroom? If that is a yes...we want to see what your classroom looks like before and after you set it up for your students! Hopefully we can all find inspirations! Use periscope or your blog to show us your classroom.
Link up!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Freebie Friday!

Happy Friday friends!  Can't believe how fast this week is going, but excited that this is the last day of "Let's take a gamble and have some fun". Hope you all found one of the posts from this week helpful!  Today I get to tag a freebie from my store and find a freebie from any store on TpT.  Back to school is going to be a focus in about a month, I thought it would be a good idea to post something that would be helpful for the beginning of the school year.

I created labels for school supplies.  When it is "Meet the Teacher" night, students bring in their supplies.  I place each label on a box for students to place their supplies.  I also included mini supply labels to place within the classroom.  It is a great visual and organizational item.  Hope you enjoy!

The next item I want to share is my Boggle Freebie....thought I'd include one more freebie. Click on the worksheet for the freebie!

The next Freebie I found was a clipart set for back to school. I thought this was a great freebie especially if you create items for your own classroom!  It would be perfect for a welcome letter, open house presentation, etc.  You can find a lot of uses out of this clipart. It's so cute too! I found it at Krista Wallden's TpT store.

The other freebie I found is at Down Under Teacher TpT store.  I thought these strategy cards would be great to post on a reading bulletin board.  You use these as part of your CAFE program within your classroom.  I use strategy cards to help students make reading goals.

Well this wraps up our week! Hopefully you found something helpful! This week helped me get back into blogging!  I am soooo thankful Heather from The Land of I Can joined me!  Go check out her blog!

Don't forget to link up and enter the GIVEAWAY!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday's Technology Post & Freebie!

Integrating technology into my classroom has helped make my classroom environment not only engaging, but meaningful too!  Technology can motivate students to take an active part in their learning.  I have created a hodgepodge of how we use technology within the classroom. I won't be able to list it all being that a lot of technology is I will try to keep this list simple!

Here are some sites/Apps that we have used within the classroom...

Symbaloo- I created a classroom Symbaloo to help organize all of our websites we access during the school day. Students also go onto our Symbaloo to access those sites at home.  I organized the Symbaloo into content areas to help students with easier navigation.

Glogster- I have used Glogster for my Native American unit...students were able to study the regions with wonderful visuals.

Prezi- Created a Prezi for each Native American Region, which also incorporated websites to access. This way students could have a visual along with the Prezi.

Animoto- We have used Animoto to create small clips of what we are doing in the classroom. It's a great way for parents to see a small collage of pictures too.

Storybird- Students can create a story on their own or with your help! I have used this in the past during our computer lab time.  Students can select illustrations and start writing their story.  Then they can publish if they want.

ABCya- Great site for math and language arts

QR Codes- We have used QR Codes for listening to reading. I created QR codes for books that I have read. Students will use those QR Codes to listen to the story. I then asked questions at the end of the story. This is for students to reflect on what they read and answer the questions.  We have also used QR Codes for various writing projects. Students will read one of their writing pieces that will be displayed in the hallway. Then parents, staff members, and friends can listen to them read their writing piece.

Wordle- Our class has created their own wordles after learning about adjectives. This year we thought of words to describe our family. Parents came in during Family Tech Week and helped their child create their family wordle.

Here is the sheet we used to help us stay organized! Click here or the picture for your free copy!

Again, these are just a FEW of the things I do to integrate technology into the classroom! We use our laptops, iPads, SMARTBoard, Document Camera, Osmo, and classroom camera. We are very fortunate to have all those tools at our school!

Don't forget to link up and enter the GIVEAWAY! :)

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Let's take a gamble and have some fun! Wednesday's Post

Happy Wednesday!  Yesterday was a REALLY good day bc my nephew Jack was born! I got to spend a fun day with Jack's sister and brother! I just LOVE my niece and nephews..such cuties! Today is a fun post bc I can PIN blogs and TPT items! Don't you just love Pinterest?!? I do for teaching and for my personal life. I love that everything is visual and organized. It makes it so easy to find items when you're on a time crunch.  Today's task is to pin a teaching blog and TpT items.  So take a look at what I find to be my favorites!

Today I pinned 2 teaching blogs that I not only find interesting and inspirational, but also visually helpful!  I pinned The Kindergarten Smorgasboard and  Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits.  Both of these blogs give teachers a lot of great ideas for lesson planning, activities within the classroom, and pictures for those of us who need visuals. ;)  Greg from "The Kindergarten Smorgasboard" seems like he is passionate about his teaching and what he shares...sometimes you can check out his YouTube channel too.  I pinned both of these blogs to a board I have have on Pinterest...

I also pinned to new blogs who have linked up with me this week... The Land of I can...A Kindergarten Blog and the second blog I pinned was Kindergarten Kisses.  I am so glad these sweet ladies linked up with me this week!  Stop by their blogs and follow!!! I can't wait to see what else they share on their blogs!  Thanks ladies! Maybe in the future we can collaborate and do something big for this "teacher bloggy world"!

Here is the link to my Pinterest boards...I have over 20 boards for education! Hope you find them helpful! Click here!

Next up, TpT items...I love Teachers Pay Teachers!

Take a look at the items...
First up Miss Wolgy created a literacy activity called Book Museum.  In the beginning of the school year I have my students bring in their favorite book. This is a great way for my students to start thinking about books, why they like to read or what they like to read. Overall they start building an interest in reading.  Students bring in their books, we set them down at our tables and walk around looking at the books. We do a few activities with the books and then share what makes this book our favorite.  I never really had documents to use with this activity. Students just wrote on paper. Needless to say Miss Wolgy's packet saved me time and it goes along great with what I do in my classroom! Go Check it out and follow Miss Wolgy while your at it!

The second item, Direction Cards, is from Molly's Kindergarten.  These cards saved me on time and classroom management!  These direction cards are great visuals for your students.  It saves me on repeating directions over and over...I think we have all gone through this before! It's okay that we have to repeat verbally, but having a visual to post your directions in the classroom is helpful!  I put magnetic tape on the back of each card (there are over 40 cards to choose from) and post them on my easel or whiteboard.  It's so easy and again these are GREAT VISUALS!  Go check them out and follow Molly from Molly's Kindergarten on TpT!

I am going to add to this task for Wednesday and pick a few items that I think would be great packets/activities within anyone's classroom....

Mandy Marchant created an item for Mother's-to-be!  I thought this was a creative item that would help out anyone who is going on maternity leave!  Who doesn't love to stay organized?!? You can put everything you need in one binder. This item also has a letter to your families.  There was a sub that found this item so helpful when the teacher who left on maternity leave, left a binder with all of this info, from this packet, filled out. It made her life a lot easier!  Check out this packet and follow Mandy!

The next item that is on my list comes from Lacy's Letters.  The item Cyndi created was a Rhyming Little Books Bundle.  The item I am sharing is the bundle, but you can purchase the books seperately too.  I just think a bundle is always a great purchase! This product is perfect for whole group, small group, centers, guided reading activities, etc!  The Rhyming Little Books are a great way to add to your study of rimes, rhyming words, and word families!  This item also is aligned to the Common if you are a Kindergarten teacher, go check out this product from Lacy's Letters and follow Cyndi too!

If you want to check out any of my items from my TpT store click here!

Don't forget to ENTER my GIVEAWAY and link up!!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday's Tips #letshavefunlinky

Good morning! Today I can't wait to share some tips that I have learned along the way with blogging, TpT, teaching, and through social networking.  I have learned that there are so many ideas and inspirations out there, so connecting with other teachers can be very important.  I am definitely not an expert in all of these areas, but have learned a lot and hopefully I will share a few tips that you find useful.

BLOG:   If you are thinking of starting up a blog, the one tip that comes to mind first is to pick a blog name that represents you and one that you will want to keep.  You want to make sure your followers know your blog name and URL, especially if you plan on joining in on the TPT world. You will want to make sure both names are the same.  It will make it a lot easier for your audience to keep up with you.  Another important tip would be patient and make sure your content represents you!  I'll be honest having a blog and keeping up with writing can take a lot of time.  However, in the end you will find that you can make a lot connections with other teachers and inspire each other.  Don't get overwhelmed and set goals/lists if needed.

TPT: Just like a blog pick a username that will represent you and do not feel like you need to add a lot of products right away.  Your items will represent you.  Any product I have posted are items that I would use in my classroom or created for others in hopes that they would find useful in their own classroom.  Use the TPT blog or sellers forum.  A lot of teachers collaborate and are always willing to help each other out.

CLASSROOM:  1.Build relationships and communicate not only with coworkers but with your students and parents as well.  Communication is important!
2. Always be YOU...believe in yourself!
3. Manage your time well and be flexible.
4. Set expectations and go over routines right away...starting on the first day!

SOCIAL MEDIA:  If you are starting out pick 1 or 2 social media outlets that you find interesting and fun.  Do not feel like you need to join all of them right away bc there are a lot!  I find Instagram and Pinterest to be my favorite social media outlets.  Both of them are visually appealing and easy to manipulate. Pinterest is a great organizational tool.  Instagram is a fast way and easy way to share visuals of activities in your classroom, ideas, and information.  Both are great tools to connect with other teachers.  Now that I am comfortable with those two, I plan on learning more about Facebook and Twitter.  I have accounts with both of those social media outlets, however I do not use them as much. Overall, create an account with a social network you feel the most comfortable using and one that you will enjoy.

Hopefully you found some tips useful!  Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Let's take a Gamble and have some fun! Monday's Post...

Happy Monday! I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July weekend! I know I did!  I am so glad you are joining me!  I know we are all probably tired from a fun weekend so I made today's task a simple one.  Take a look at what you should do to join in on the fun!  Keep reading to link up and enter the giveaway!

Don't forget...I may be repeating myself but here it is...

Step 1... Follow my blog! This way you know what to do every day!

Step 2... Copy and save all of the images below to include in your posts for those specific days.

Step 3... Always link your post back to my blog...this way everyone can see your posts. Use my BUTTON to the right of my blog or use my blog URL.

Step 4...Link up everyday! Make sure when you do link up, that your actual link goes to your post.

Step 5...After you link up don't forget to comment on the blog before and after you. You never  know, you might meet a new bloggy friend!

Step 6...Enter the GIVEAWAY!

Step 7...HAVE FUN! I hope you all have fun reading each other's posts and hopefully learn
something new or valuable.  You might even learn about a blogger you have never met!

Again, your posts do not have to be tedious or long.  The tasks are can start writing your post early! If you are posting through social media use the hashtag... #letshavefunlinky

Happy Monday friends!

Enter the GIVEAWAY and then keep scrolling to enter the LINKY!!!!!!

Bits of First Grade

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Don't forget to join in on my linky party and giveaway TOMORROW! Check out one of the giveaway prizes...

Friday, July 3, 2015

Let's gamble and have some fun! #letshavefunlinky

Are you ready to take a gamble and have some fun? If so link up on Monday!  Below you will find the rules and tasks to will be really simple & a great way for all of us to get to know each other!  I am posting this early so you can have a head start on your post!

Step 1... Follow my blog! This way you know what to do every day!

Step 2... Copy all of the images below to include in your posts.

Step 3... Always link your post back to my blog...this way everyone can see your posts.

Step 4...Link up everyday! Make sure when you do link up, that your actual link goes to your post.

Step 5...After you link up don't forget to comment on the blog before and after you.

Step 6...Enter the GIVEAWAY!

Step 7...HAVE FUN! I hope you all have fun reading each other's posts and hopefully learn
something new or valuable.  You might even learn about a blogger you have never met!

Again, your posts do not have to be tedious or long.  The tasks are can start writing your post early! If you are posting through social media use the hashtag... #letshavefunlinky

Here are the images for your posts (Monday-Friday)....right click on the images...then click save as...viola! Now you have the images saved!

Check back here on Monday to enter the GIVEAWAY!
Are you joining in on the fun?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Can't go to Vegas? Let's take a gamble & have some fun!

You can't go to Vegas for the TPT Conference? Neither can I! Let's just say I am bummed...however hopefully next year I will be able to go!  So I thought of an idea to make next week fun! 

 Let's take a gamble and have some fun! What do you say?

Next week I will be hosting a linky party for all our friends who can and can't go to Vegas.  Every day there will be a linky party and a task.  The tasks are not long and should not be tedious to post on your blog.  Obviously, this linky will be nothing compared to the Vegas experience. However, it is with great hope that with this link up, we all can share and receive tips, freebies, learn about other bloggers, and inspire each other.  Again it's just an idea and for anyone to join.  If no one links up, I will still be sure to share my tips each day!

I plan on posting the tasks on Friday because I want everyone to have a head start on their posts.

Along with this linky there will be a GIVEAWAY at the end of the week! I have children's books that I am pairing up with packets from my TPT store. If you want to participate in the giveaway and have something in mind, let me know today! I can add you to the giveaway!

If you want to take a gamble and have some fun, link up on Monday! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July Currently

Listening: This morning I was listening to music and heard the birds chirping outside.  Very peaceful and a true sign of summer! I love this time of year!  I have so many iTunes gift cards...I needed to get a few things...maybe even for the classroom!

Loving: I absolutely love Starbucks...and definitely have my favorites. However, I like just about everything.  Right now, I am loving the black tea lemonade. It is definitely refreshing on a hot summer day. I usually always get a black tea latte. Sometimes I will go for the Caramel Macchiato or the Pumpkin Spice latte, which are good too!  What is your favorite? I would love to I can try something new!

Thinking: I am thinking...that I need to pack for the 4th of July weekend. I love July 4th....the food,  people, the fireworks, and swimming at the lake.

Wanting: I really, really want our summer break to last a little bit longer! Who doesn't! This summer has been a good break so far. I have gotten a lot of things accomplished. I plan to continue to relax, work on TPT items, prepare for the new school year, clean/organize, and enjoy the summer weather.  This year students start school on August 11th, but teachers start the first week in August for meetings and such. It just seems way too early!

Needing: I need to shop! I really love shopping, especially for new clothes or decorations for my place.  I love getting new clothes for the summer and for the beginning of the school year.  I also like shopping for new workout's definitely a motivation! I really haven't shopped too much this summer, which is surprising.  I think this will change during the month of July! ;)

All Star:  I picked one for school and one for my personal life.  I think I am creative in many ways and love to bring that out in students too!  I love creating for my classroom and TpT store too!  Planning for parties, sprucing up plans, and finding ways to make lessons more engaging are all things I like to do!  I also would say I am a good listener.  I have found that the majority of the time people just need someone to listen to them.  Everyone has a story!  I find that being a good listener builds relationships and shows that you are understanding.

Don't forget to link up with Farley for the July Currently!

*** I am also having a small giveaway, which will end on Sunday.*** 

***One more thought...I won't be going to Vegas this year and hope that I can save to go next year! I was thinking of having a linky for all you teaching friends who won't be able to go either.  If anyone is interested in collaborating with me to set something up for next week, let me know! I have a few ideas to make that week fun and inspirational for all! Let me know!