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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fall Conferences and using Technology...

Conferences came and went...

Are you running on time when it comes to conferences?
Do you have anything out for parents to look at in the classroom or hallway?

I thought I would take this time to share what I did for our fall conferences...

I always have my students color a pic for the front of the folder that I share with parents...inside the folder I keep the conference form, writing samples, a useful sheet with reading behaviors, student self-assessment, math objectives sheet (which shows whether their child is proficient, advanced or below basic), students letter to their parents, and anything else I think is important to show parents.  Below you will see what I included in the folder (some of the items can be found at my TPT store)
These items can all be found here...

I set up the hallway where parents can sit down while they are waiting, write a letter to their child, and view their students work.  My table in the hallway always includes writing paper and writing utensils.  I also included a QR Code that linked up to a video of photos of my students throughout the school year, via Animoto.  On my large bulletin board I posted my students writing pieces about Fall (I got this idea from Jen over at Finally in First...check out her blog).  Then each student recorded their fall writing piece on our classroom fotobabble and then created a QR Code.  I asked the parents to bring a Smart Device, if they had one, so that they could view a small video of our class and listen to the fall writing pieces.  If they did not have one I provided the classroom iPad. A lot of the parents where thrilled to see their child's work and write a letter to their child.  I heard positive feedback on tying in technology to the conferences.  Take a look at some on of the pics below.  I hope all of your conferences go well!

Table outside my classroom...

Sorry this shot is blurry...this is my BB of my students fall writing. I linked up each writing piece to a QR Code, which then led the parent to fotobabble...a site where my students were able to record their fall writing piece.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Currently October

Can you believe it's already Fall?!?!

I can...and I am loving it! I love everything fall...lattes, jeans, leggings, boots, fall tv shows (Chicago Fire, Revenge, Hart of Dixie, The Voice), pumpkins, Halloween, chili, football, fall candles, leaves changing colors...the list can go on and on!

I thought I would link up with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.

Since it's almost that time of year, I thought these reminders would be helpful!

There you have it! Happy Fall! Don't forget to link up with Farley!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Writer's Workshop

This month in writing we will be creating writing plans and then writing our small moment stories.

First off, we talked about our writing folders and handed out our "Book of Words".  Our class then learned about authors and how they create a writing plan before they start writing.  As the wonderful writers that we are, we created a plan and listed ideas to write about, in the front of our writing journals.  This will be a great reference for students who are stumped on what to write next.  Throughout the year we will focus on our first grade writing goals.  These are clearly stated on our "writing bulletin board" within the classroom.  As we continue to become stronger, more confident writers, the students will start feeling and seeing their own success in writing.  To help them visualize and think about their writing goals, I have posted these goals on the board with students' writing pieces to match each goal.

Here are a few pics from our writers workshop to get a clear idea on what we are doing within the classroom to reach those goals!

Word book found at my TPT store

Happy Writing!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Curriculum Night/Open House

Curriculum night came and we are focused and continue to be in full swing!

I thought I would share a few pics and a freebie from what I share on curriculum night.  Curriculum night is an important night for parents and teachers.  There is a lot of information that needs to be discussed and sent home.  I thought I could hopefully give you a few ideas for your curriculum night.
I place a few items at the students' desk/seats for their parents.  I also have a table set aside for our classroom wish list.  I place stars on the table and write the items that we need for our classroom.

The following items can be found at their seats:

Mini-Me (Who Am I? activity) on the link to find out more!
Family portrait
Folder (students color)

Inside the folder I include the following:
Copy of my complete powerpoint presentation (parents can keep a copy and take notes)
Reading strategies for home
Math websites
Sheet on ways to raise money for our school
Ways to Motivate your child (freebie below)
Class list
Our first Book Orders

Below you will find pics on how we get our classroom ready...
This is a pic of my classroom door...every so often I will change the pics to update the school community on what we are learning within the classroom.
We fill buckets in our room...

We are currently working on our stamina... 

Parents love looking at what their children want to be when they grow up.  There are some creative ideas. I place this outside our classroom for all to see.

On Curriculum Night I have my students create a "mini-me"  On the front of the mini-me's, each student fills out a "Who Am I?" mini booklet.  The parents have to find their child's mini-me and read the "Who Am I?" mini booklet to make sure they are at the correct seat.  The kids were so excited to do this activity...they couldn't wait to hear if their parents could guess where they sat.

In front of their mini-me's...I place a folder with important info...the kids color their own folders...on top of the folders the kids draw a pic of their guardians or family.
 Click on the pic below for your freebie...
I always have a few family's who inquire about motivation at home...I put a few ideas together and created this sheet to send home on curriculum night....hope it helps!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

FREEBIE #4...Weather

Have you ever wondered, when you give something away, if people are actually downloading the items?

I do.

I like to give my products away and often wonder if they are put to use...wouldn't you love to see your items in action?!?!  If you are out there and have an item I have created I would love to hear what you are using or just send pics!

Ok back to the freebie...yes we are on FREEBIE #4...WEATHER!

I have been asked by a lot of people where I got my weather chart...well you found the right place! Part of our curriculum is to teach weather to our students...this chart is a perfect way to help your class keep track of the weather day to day.  My students use this chart as a visual to help them fill out their weather graph.  I found this weather clipchart on Pinterest, but it was just a cache with no link. Gotta love PINTEREST! Soooo whomever created this lovely weather chart, I owe all my credit to you.  I have seen other versions of this on TPT as well.  Here is my version of the chart...

This is my bulletin board in my classroom...the calendar numbers I found at the dollar tree, chart is at my tpt store, and the days and months can also be found at my tpt store...

Click on this chart to receive your free copy...
Hope you are still enjoying the summer weather!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I am continuing my week of on the pic to receive your free Student Information sheet...

You can use this sheet of paper on Meet the Teacher Night or Open House.  I keep the sheets and put them in my teacher binder.  There is a tab for Student Info...this is where I place these sheets, along with a few other things that are important.  They are easy to get to when you need to contact a parent or check to see how a child is getting home.  I will share a few pics from my helps me stay ORGANIZED!  This is an old pic, since then I have added the rest of the tabs to my planner.  Check it out here.

*Don't forget to take a tour of my classroom, link up if you want to share your room as well!

Click on the Student Information sheet to receive your freebie...Hope you find it helpful! (scroll down after the freebie to check out how I stay organized)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Classroom Tour 2013 and FREEBIE #2

It's official...SCHOOL STARTED and summer break has come to an end.

Anyone else start yet?

Take a tour of my classroom...hope you find some inspirations! I tool these pics on a cloudy day so I could not get the best of lighting to take these pics. I know I have found a lot of inspirations for my room from other teachers! Link up below to help give others ideas on how to set up your classroom and decoration inspirations.  I still need to add more to my classroom and obviously need to add my students' work...can't wait!

I have everything ready for Meet the Teacher night...students can order supplies ahead of time, which is why I have those large boxes on their tables
View when you walk in the room...

I made the banner this summer...I found the fabric at Hobby Lobby, each patterned fabric was next to each other, which made it really easy for me!

Math and Listening area

Classroom Behavior ClipChart

Classroom Library

front of the room...

Classroom library

We will add more to the board as the year moves on and as we learn more strategies/skills.  Once we fill it up we put a post-it note with our name on it next to the reading goal of the week...

classroom library

Writing Center...includes writing goals, paper, supplies, and writing process clipchart

I will add my students work in the picture frames...each piece of writing will match the goal that is mastered...

Writing Goals...

Meet the Teacher...I put out items that I hope and wish will be donated to our classroom...

I still need to add pictures of the students in the picture frames...I also make a wordle of our names...

My students may use the restroom when needed...they put these passes at their desks...when they come back they will get a squirt of germ-x

Star of the Week Board...I put their pic in the frame...then we add their STAR info and pictures
I found these rocking chairs on Amazon...LOVE!

Fresh Flowers
The following items (which are seen in my classroom pics) can be found at my TPT store...some items are free and others are not...
Behavior ClipChart
Box/Supply Labels
Days of the Week and Months
Classroom Chevron Decor Set
"I Can Write" Writing Goals Bulletin Board Set
Writing Process ClipChart
Brain Breaks
*If you see something of yours in my classroom and you would like credit please email me...sorry I may have forgotten

OK here ya have it, FREEBIE #2...BOGGLE this week only!

Link up with pictures of your classroom...don't forget to link back to my post in your post...

1. Conversations in Literacy  3. Leigh Anne - Simply Swarbrick (1st grade)  
2. Second Thoughts  4. Texas Teaching Fanatic  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)