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Monday, June 16, 2014

The end of the year...

Can you believe this school year has come to a close?

I am looking forward to a fresh new chapter in my "book" of teaching.  Boy this book could tell a lot of stories! A long time ago someone actually told me to keep a book of things my students have said or done...kinda like "Kids Say the Darndest Things".  Has anyone done that?  

Anyways moving on, I thought I would share a few things my class and I did for the last few weeks of school.  It ended up being a wonderful ending to their first grade year.  Individually they were all so unique and sweet.  It was hard to send them off to second grade.

Here is a look at what we did...

At the end of the school year I always make a first grade memory book for each student.  Below you will find a page that I include within this book.

Another activity I have my students do is a writing activity to show their growth.  They write a story about themselves and draw a self portrait in the beginning of the school year and at the end of the school year.  I love seeing their development in writing!
Click on the picture to check out the booklet for students...
Click on the picture to check out the booklet for students...
Another activity we do the last week of school is our Nature Journal. First my students gather toilet paper rolls to create binoculars.  Then they received their journals. I paired my students off so they can work with someone and enjoy walking around the field together.  They are able to work on these journals independently, but obviously I am their to supervise and answer questions.  Students love filling out this journal and then sharing with the class what they observed in nature. Not only are they making observations, but using their map skills, writing skills, and weather knowledge.

Click on the pictures to check out the nature journal...
These are just a few ideas to use at the end of your school year within your classroom.  I hope you all enjoy your summer break!


  1. I love your picture idea!

    Down the Learning Road

  2. I LOVE your 'in a box' pic! How did you do that?

    1. I got a large box...had the kids sit in it any way that they wanted...I told them it will be like the "Brady Bunch" pic in a way...they would all be stacked on top of each other. So they had fun with it and even picked if they wanted to sit in the box with a friend. Then I created the background myself. Voila!

    2. What size were each of the kiddos photos after you copped them?

  3. How did you create your box pic with your kiddos? It's awesome!

    1. I got a large box...had the kids sit in it any way that they wanted...I told them it will be like the "Brady Bunch" pic in a way...they would all be stacked on top of each other. So they had fun with it and even picked if they wanted to sit in the box with a friend. Then I created the background myself. Voila!

  4. I love the picture! I get how you took each individual picture, but how did you put them all together? Should I already know this? :) LOL!!

  5. Love this!! Did you use a photo shop program to put all of the boxes together into a picture?

  6. Hi! I am wondering where you found the graphic in the background? The sky and grass photo? Thanks! I LOVE it!

  7. Hi, I like the photo with the children in the box. How did you create it after the children took pictures in the box.

  8. Hi, I like the photo with the children in the box. How did you create it after the children took pictures in the box.

  9. What photo shop program did you use for the cardboard box idea
