Thursday, June 25, 2015

DARE TO DREAM #tptsellerschallenge Week 2

It's Week #2 of the TpT Sellers Challenge with Third in Hollywood, Peppy Zesty Teacherista, Teach Create Motivate, and Sparkling in Second.  I definitely needed a challenge...can you tell?  I haven't blogged in a while. Hopefully this will help me get back into blogging bc it is something that I do enjoy. This week we are all asked to to reflect on what we want out of our TpT business...what are our BIG DREAMS.  This gave me some down time to reflect on my goals and here they are...drumroll please....

*TRAVEL:  I want to be able to take some time to travel. There are a lot of places that are on my list that I would like to visit. Some places here in the US and some out of the US.  I have never been out of the US and would love to go somewhere...Ireland, Italy, and Spain are on the top of my list.  One day I will pick a place and plan it!  Overall I want to take time to travel more here in the US and visit places I would never think to go.   There are so many places to experience it would be so much fun! Should I close my eyes and point on a map to pick my next travel adventure?

*GIVE TO OTHERS:  On my list I have save and spend...that kind of takes care of my dream to travel and to give to others...but they are a big dream. One of my big dreams would be to pay for trip for my whole family.  Wouldn't that be fun?!?  My parents and siblings have always been so giving, which one of the many reasons I love them so. I would love to treat them to something nice, like a vacation!

*SAVE and SPEND:  I know, sounds crazy right?!  This is a BIG dream of mine. I would love to be able to save enough so I am financially secure.  I would like to continue to save, so that I can continue to pay off bills and not worry about them each month, which has been a big blessing with TpT so far!  From there I would then like to save enough to spend money on things I might need or even want.  I love to shop-so buying new clothes, new decor for my place, a new house, a new car, etc...would all be things that I would like to do.  Obviously, I wouldn't do all of this at the same time.

*GROW: Luckily I feel that through my TpT business experience I have been able to grow as a teacher.  I want to be able to continue to make meaningful and engaging resources that are of value to any classroom.  I want to continue to use all my social media resources to continue to connect with other teachers. I have learned about many resources, children's books, tech ideas, etc through you all. I feel that we are all inspirations to one another and can help each other grow as teachers.  It's hard to look into the future but as of right now I want my TpT business to grow and then hopefully grow into another adventure...whatever that may be! I have learned so much and will continue to grow.

Don't forget to link up and join in on the fun!
Hope you are all enjoying your summer...I know I am! :)


  1. I think it would be so cool to close your eyes and point to a place on the map and go there. (though, I couldn't do that.. the planner in me just couldn't handle it---or the fact that I gotta take 3 boys along, well 4 if you count the hubs. lol) Good luck growing your business. TPT has helped me grow in so many ways. I'm so thankful for it!
    Rulin' The Roost

  2. I love the dreams you shared! Italy would be so wonderful to travel to! And I love your idea of being able to pay for a trip for your family. What a great idea and so thoughtful! I totally agree with you about social media and the connections you can make through it. I get so many idea from Instagram posts! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
    ~Heather :)
    Recipe for Teaching

  3. I love to travel too, that was on my list! I have never been to any of the places you mentioned though.

    For the Love of First Grade

  4. I want to travel too!! I had the chance to visit Ireland when I was younger and it. is. BEAUTIFUL, but I've never been to Italy or Spain! Italy is definitely on my bucket list! :o)
    Munchkins Inc.

  5. I would LOVE to take my entire family on a vacay too! I have four siblings and they have eight children combined, plus my four children and their spouses - it's going to be expensive!!! I hope all your dreams come true.
