Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Monthly Photo Challenge...one week at a time

Anyone else have a hard time with keeping up on the "photo a day challenge"?!?! Or is it just me?
If is just me, then this challenge that I came up with will be...well...just for muh! ;) Although, I hope this challenge will be for you too! I loved the idea of the "Photo a Day Challenge"...however I couldn't keep up.  I wanted to but just couldn't...yes I admit it!  So this is why I came up with a simpler challenge.

The whole idea is to DOCUMENT YOUR YEAR IN PHOTOS in and out of the classroom!  This is a "Monthly Photo Challenge....One Week at a Time".  You will not have to document every day.  Interested?!? Keep reading!

Here is what you have to do...are you ready for the challenge?

1. Snap a photo or photos each week...
You get to choose how many to share (1-5), but make sure it is at least one. The list for each week will help you get at least one idea to snap...the rest of the photos could be of anything. Each month I will make sure one idea has to do with school...this way we can share our inspirations from our classrooms...OR...again,keep it simple and snap one photo per week

2. Share your photo on your blog or instagram...
Share your photo(s) for the week on any day OR Share your weekly photos the last week of the month. If you share your photos on your blog don't forget to add the button above. If you share your photos online use the hashtag #photoaweek2015

3. Write about your photo...
You can honestly write a short or long description of your photo.  Please remember to add a caption or story.

4. Link it back to me...
If you link it back to me everyone will be able to see what you posted.

5. Check back each month for new ideas and the challenge button (button above)...

*Keep things simple
*Keep up with your friends, instagram friends, and/or bloggy friends
*Share ideas, comments, & inspirations (inside and outside of the classroom)
*Keep up with posting on our blogs or instagram

Again, if this challenge is not for you, it's ok! You can join in on the fun whenever you want! LINK UP for the month of January will start on the 1st!


PS: Watch Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard live tonight!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Johnny Appleseed Unit

My class learned about the famous American, John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed.  We studied his life, planting seeds, and explored the idea of moving west through the mountains.
Take a look at a few of the activities we did to learn about the life of John Chapman...

It is always such a fun unit to teach...students love learning about Johnny!
Some of the activities you can find at my store here and here.  I created a Johnny appleseed Interactive Notebook here. One activity was created by Cupcake for the Teacher and I bought it at her store here.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Classroom Tour

Take a look at a few pics of my classroom...I haven't completed all ares of the room...more pics to come!

Tables are ready for Meet the Teacher 

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Currently

I am linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for the Monthly Currently Link Up!  Don't forget to look at her rules! ;)

Don't forget to link up!
I have to make this one short...
How is everyone doing with their classroom?  I am still trying to get mine back and ready to go...lots to do! Anyone know of any classroom linky parties?  Let me know!  Good luck with preparing for back to school!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Made It

I thought I would link up with Fourth Grade Frolics for the annual "Monday Made It".   I have made quite a few things but haven't had the time to complete everything just quite yet.  Where has this summer gone?!?! Anyways I thought I would share a few of the things that I have been making.

I found this Monday Made item on pinterest which is a great place to find inspiration. I don't remember who I saw had these hanging in their room...obviously not the the same rules but the idea of places the rules on brightly painted wood.  Side note- I got my wood and paint from Walmart (not a huge fan of that place) and found that their supplies are a lot cheaper than Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  My classroom rules or expectations were always printed on a poster board and hung in the corner of my classroom.  Since our school implemented PBIS, we created school wide expecations. So I thought I would create our school expectations and mod podge them onto wood that I painted.  My hope is that the expectations stick out a little more...hopefully they will be a great reminder for some students.  I haven't hung the expectations on the wall yet...nor do I know where I actually want to place them in my room. However I thought I would still let you see what I made!  Eventually I will take pictures of my classroom when it is complete!

My second Monday Made It is my "I Mustache You a Question" packet.  I plan on using these question cards during my class meeting.  I will let students pick a question card and even use the mustache and eye glass props.  Students will love this!  The questions ask students about themselves, their family, school, and there are also yes and no questions to make is quick.  I plan on including common core questions soon (when I find time to create them)...fingers crossed that will be soon!  I just thought this would be a catchy way to not only get to know each other but to catch the attention of our friends.  Many teachers have a questions of the day in their classrooms...this could be used for that as well.  You don't have to even use it for the question of the day or during a class meeting.  You can use these question cards as a back to school activity and/or as a time filler.  Possibilities are endless! ;)  Click on the picture to be directed to this item.

Now it's your turn to link up! Good luck with getting your classroom ready for the new school year!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Book Talk Tuesday

I am linking up with Mrs. Jump's Class for Book Talk Tuesday!
Here are a few of my favorite books to use within my classroom...it was hard to just pick a few! So I picked books I could think of right away...here we go...

Here are a few of my most recent purchases...

Do you have any favorite books to read to your class? GO link up! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Random things to share...

I just looked at my calendar and reality set in...work starts in about two weeks.  Where did this summer go?  However, I can't worry about that right now because today was the perfect day! It was BEAUTIFUL outside.  The sky was blue, the temp was just right, and I got to enjoy it ALL day! These kind of days remind me of my grandpa.  On days like these, he would say"Thank you God for this beautiful day!"...so true!  

Anyways back to thinking about school...I have been thinking about the first few weeks of school and realized I need to fix a few things, get my classroom back in order, buy new borders...the list could go on and on.  I will save you the boredom and stop listing all the things I need to do and show you what I have been up to...

I went shopping to buy a few things...I found borders... a lot of borders...I probably DID NOT need these borders...but I had to get them! :)  I already have a few of these borders in my classroom, but the bird border I did not.  I plan on using that with my "Learning is Something to Tweet About" activities board.  Check that out here! 
I also went to the Dollar Tree and found a few things...I have to go back to buy  more tubs.  I need a few more in my classroom library.  I also found really cute Eric Carle stickers I just couldn't pass up. Along with that I plan on making a "Where we are..." sign for outside my classroom door with the pizza pan.  The last item I found were the bookmarks.  I plan on having my students make these bookmarks to start off our Reader's Workshop.

I created new posters for my classroom.  I recreated my daily morning routines poster.  I also make mini copies for students who need this at their desk as a reminder...this is usually needed in the beginning of the school year.
I have also been busy creating and updating items at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Below you will find just a few of my newest items.   
The classroom Jobs matches my classroom decor theme.  The "Back to School Bucket List" pack I plan on using with my students as a back to school activity.  We will keep these until the end of the school year to see if we accomplished things on our Bucket List.  I also creating Subtraction Word Problem packets.  I know this is an area that most first graders need extra practice in as well as K and 2nd grade students.  Addition packets coming soon! 
I created a small packet of editable pages from my Teacher Planner.  I did this for my Classroom Decor set as well.  A lot of you asked to make those packets editable...I couldn't do it for those large packets but could do it by making the smaller packets.  I also created this "Weekend Writing" journal for my students.  Every Monday I have my students write about their weekend and share it with the class.  My students always come to school with stories to tell, so I figured this would be a great way to not only work on writing skills but to also write their thoughts down and share with the class.  Anyways, like I said these are just a few items I have added to my TPT store.

Check out my store to see the rest of my items...speaking of TPT...Did you know that if you follow stores you can receive updates on the products that you purchase??  The seller can notify you to download a newly updated item that you previously purchased. So if you see the FOLLOW ME button on anyone' store do it!  One more thing...if you RATE the items you can earn TPT credit for the next items you buy from TPT.  So FOLLOW the stores and RATE the items! Hope that helps! ;)

One more thing...I created these classroom postcards to use this school year.  YOu can also find these at me TPT store.  These are my newest items at my store. 

What have you been doing?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Currently

Can't believe it's already July...can't complain, but I do feel like my summer has just begun.  I've been busy....not a bad busy, but just busy. Anyways, its that time to link up with Farley and fill out my July Currently.  Go link up!  Side note: are there any other linky parties going on? If so let me know!  I need to have one soon!

Listening: Yes the dog snores. Really loud! 
Loving: I am loving that it is summer! I really do feel like it just started though...where does the time go? Anyways, I always try to make a summer to-do list and walking is on it. I have been walking in the am, which I love bc I feel like I get my day started.  I hope to continue.  The summer time is my favorite season. I get to accomplish a lot of things and try to relax before the school year. 
Thinking:  I am thinking about adding more things to my summer to-do list.  I also thinking about what I want to do next.  I really need to go meet up with people to watch the USA game!!!! I also need to get together with coworkers and catch-up! ;)
Wanting:  Yes, its true, I need a man to come over and put together my tv stand! There are so many pieces and parts...I don't know where to start, nor do I even want to start!
Needing: I start one tpt project, then start another one without finishing the one before it.  I need to stay focused!  I also need to go to the grocery store.  I don't have anything in my fridge, except for water, beer, wine, and condiments.  That's it. Yep. I need to go to the store!
4th Plans:  I will be headed to the lake with friends and family! I am so excited. It's always a good time.  I love bbqs, beer, fireworks, and everything about the 4th!

There you have it, my July Currentlly!
What are your plans for the 4th?

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: @bits_of_firstgrade

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Instagram and What I have been up to...

I am so excited to announce that I am finally on Instagram! I was already on it for personal use, but thought I would join Instagram for my teaching blog.  I can't wait to share pics of items that I have made or share experiences in the classroom! If you aren't following me already, please do! I would love to follow you and get inspirations!  Click on the link below... or go to your Instagram app and find me @bits_of_firstgrade .

Are any of you on Instagram...if so let me know so I can follow you!

Also, has anyone heard of...
If so can you let me know if you have used this?!?! Thanks!

Here are some items I have been working on and will soon be adding to my TPT store...

Back to School Packet (iPad theme)
I Know My ABC's Packet (letter recognition)
Behavior Management Packet (clip chart, editable)
Colors Packet
Voice Level
Star of the Week
Classroom Jobs
Close Reading
Subtraction Story Problems

Whew! I am busy and need to start sticking to one thing at a time! LOL!
Hope you all have a great THURSDAY!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The end of the year...

Can you believe this school year has come to a close?

I am looking forward to a fresh new chapter in my "book" of teaching.  Boy this book could tell a lot of stories! A long time ago someone actually told me to keep a book of things my students have said or done...kinda like "Kids Say the Darndest Things".  Has anyone done that?  

Anyways moving on, I thought I would share a few things my class and I did for the last few weeks of school.  It ended up being a wonderful ending to their first grade year.  Individually they were all so unique and sweet.  It was hard to send them off to second grade.

Here is a look at what we did...

At the end of the school year I always make a first grade memory book for each student.  Below you will find a page that I include within this book.

Another activity I have my students do is a writing activity to show their growth.  They write a story about themselves and draw a self portrait in the beginning of the school year and at the end of the school year.  I love seeing their development in writing!
Click on the picture to check out the booklet for students...
Click on the picture to check out the booklet for students...
Another activity we do the last week of school is our Nature Journal. First my students gather toilet paper rolls to create binoculars.  Then they received their journals. I paired my students off so they can work with someone and enjoy walking around the field together.  They are able to work on these journals independently, but obviously I am their to supervise and answer questions.  Students love filling out this journal and then sharing with the class what they observed in nature. Not only are they making observations, but using their map skills, writing skills, and weather knowledge.

Click on the pictures to check out the nature journal...
These are just a few ideas to use at the end of your school year within your classroom.  I hope you all enjoy your summer break!

Monday, June 2, 2014

June Currently

I can't believe it is already June! I love it!  This is my favorite time of year.  Summer break has started, the weather is warm and sunny, I can go to the pool...I could go on and on!  I thought linking up with Farley would be a great way to start my summer blogging.  I could not find the time to blog this school year.  All of my time and energy were spent in my classroom...busiest school year ever!  I am so thankful summer break has started and plan on enjoying it every day.  There are so many things I want to accomplish before summer break ends.  Before I go on about my summer plans, here is my June Currently.

Listening:  I keep switching through channels but am not paying attention...it's just background noise.
Loving: Did I mention how happy and thankful I am that summer break has started?!?!
Thinking: I LOVE to shop, especially online!  It was time to update my wardrobe and buy the basics, which was much needed!  
Wanting:  I want the clouds to let the sun shine.  Bring on the sun!
Needing:  My family and I are planning a trip somewhere warm and to the beach.  This will give me another reason to shop! ;)

The last one is my summer bucket list:
1. Take a break and enjoy my summer...much needed!
2. Create more or my classroom and Teachers Pay Teachers store. I have a lot planned on my to-do list!
3. Exercise more! Mmmmmhmmm this is much needed as well. I need to get back in the routine.  I started today with my friend.  I woke up early and we walked...good start!  I may join the gym so I can swim laps.  I miss swimming!
4. Enjoy the sun and water.  I will definitely make plans to go to the pool and lake!  The lake is the most relaxing place to go...I just got a paddle board that needs to be used.  I think that is a perfect excuse to get to the lake.  We will also go to the beach!
5.  I plan to read more.  I bought a few new books to read over break...I heard from a few bloggers about these books and thought I'd check them out!

I hope you all enjoy your summer break!  Now go and link up with Farley at "Oh Boy Fourth Grade".

Check out my TpT StoreFacebook and/or Pinterest boards.