Monday, January 6, 2014

It's a New Year..

Happy New Year!
I thought I would blog today being that we are having a snow day...mmmhmm 12 inches!  This gave me time to think about this New year.

As I look ahead I think of a quote I just heard and thought I'd share....

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"

Isn't this so true?!?!  Who has set a New Year's goal and never accomplished that goal.  Hmmmm?  Yep I am raising my hand right now. ;) So now that it is the new year, I need to share my goals for my classroom and blog...fingers crossed I make the time and accomplish a few of my goals or at least one!  If not then I made a good wish and was hopeful.

This is what I have so far:

1. Blog more often & collaborate with other bloggers...overall I love blogging...I love the idea of sharing my ideas and not only inspire others but get inspirations from other bloggers.  

2. Stay organized! I created a blog planner a while back.  I only got as far as writing down a to do list...yikes! I guess it's a start. Right?!?  I love organizing and keep my classroom and lesson plans organized, however I need to focus on my blog!  It's all about balancing and setting your priorities.

3. Take time for myself.  Enough said.

4. Continue to create.  This is my passion. I absolutely love to create things for my classroom, home, friends, etc.

I will keep my goals to a minimum.  I feel good about these goals and know that I can accomplish a few, if not all.  Hey if I don't, at least I made a great wish!  Have you made new goals for the year?

Need back to school activities for the new year? Click on the pic...

Free BLOG PLANNER click here...

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