Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Currently

Can't believe it's already July...can't complain, but I do feel like my summer has just begun.  I've been busy....not a bad busy, but just busy. Anyways, its that time to link up with Farley and fill out my July Currently.  Go link up!  Side note: are there any other linky parties going on? If so let me know!  I need to have one soon!

Listening: Yes the dog snores. Really loud! 
Loving: I am loving that it is summer! I really do feel like it just started though...where does the time go? Anyways, I always try to make a summer to-do list and walking is on it. I have been walking in the am, which I love bc I feel like I get my day started.  I hope to continue.  The summer time is my favorite season. I get to accomplish a lot of things and try to relax before the school year. 
Thinking:  I am thinking about adding more things to my summer to-do list.  I also thinking about what I want to do next.  I really need to go meet up with people to watch the USA game!!!! I also need to get together with coworkers and catch-up! ;)
Wanting:  Yes, its true, I need a man to come over and put together my tv stand! There are so many pieces and parts...I don't know where to start, nor do I even want to start!
Needing: I start one tpt project, then start another one without finishing the one before it.  I need to stay focused!  I also need to go to the grocery store.  I don't have anything in my fridge, except for water, beer, wine, and condiments.  That's it. Yep. I need to go to the store!
4th Plans:  I will be headed to the lake with friends and family! I am so excited. It's always a good time.  I love bbqs, beer, fireworks, and everything about the 4th!

There you have it, my July Currentlly!
What are your plans for the 4th?

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: @bits_of_firstgrade


  1. Hey there! Found you from the currently linky! There are quite a few linky parties going on this summer...it's been hard to keep up. Check out the 'Monday Made It' linky with 4th Grade Frolics, Positive Thinking Thursday with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings. Kelli at Tales of a Teacher is doing a while series this summer with 'Tips to Tame 'Em' which is every Tuesday. I've also seen a lot from the Teaching Tribune. Tuesday is the TpT linky where people put products up for 50%off and share them on their blogs. I could go on and on, but those are the ones that either I've done or have seen on my bloglovin' feed. Hope you have a great week!!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  2. That's awesome that you've been able to get into a good routine! I've been trying to get a gym routine started, but it's been choppy because of other events cutting into my time. Enjoy your summer!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  3. Hi, Brigid! My son is at Mizzou! I teach in St. Louis; this summer is going by waaaaay too fast.

    I'm working on a Linky for next week, for all of us who are not going to an SDE conf. in Vegas.
    Hop over and check it out; I'm hoping to have it up on Sunday!
    Chrissy at ReadWriteSing

    1. It really is going by way too fast! What district are you teaching in??? I love when I find other teacher bloggers from St. Louis! We all need to do a blogger meet up!!! Thanks for stopping by...

  4. Hi Brigid! I love this link so I get to know other teacher bloggers! I've also been walking every morning. I love how it starts my day off and by the time I get home, my activity is done and I still have the ENTIRE day ahead of me! I'm going to go check out the rest of your blog now!

    1. I will have to check out your blog too! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I'm loving your walking in the am. It's my plan too, and my summer holidays started this week - we go back in September. I'm going to try to walk every day this summer. Your blog is adorable - great logo! I just found you through Farley's currently.
    Click below to stop by my blog and say hi!
    Sandra's Savvy Teaching Tips

    1. I will! Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your summer!

  6. I hear you about staying focused on one project; I can't seem to finish anything this summer. But I have done a lot of work on things for next school year so I just need to make myself finish them up.
    Good for you for walking every morning! I need to get back into an exercise routine.
    I'm glad I found your blog!
    Still Teaching After All These Years
