During the month of January my class focused on visualizing. This is one of the skills that I love to teach. I found this activity over at Lacy's Letters...Cyndi has a lot of great ideas on her site! Below you will find a copy of the sheet my students used to record their visualizations. First my class read My Neighbor's Dog is Purple by Jack Prelutsky (one of my favorite children's poets). We did not read the last few lines of the poem. I did not show my students the last few lines of this poem until after our first visualization. Students made their visualizations in the first box. We then highlighted focus words that helped us visualize...I another copy on my SmartBoard.
Then we read the rest of the poem. My students were SURPRISED with the ending of the poem! Next they went back to their desks and filled in the second box with their new visualization.

My students did a wonderful job on this activity. Another cute poem to read by Jack Prelutsky is
Green Giant. My students made their mental images in their poetry journals. I don't have pics of that but can get some soon. We not only made visualizations with poems but we also read a lot of books!

One book in particular is
In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming.

My students' favorite part...SHARING!
Free Copy of My Neighbor's Dog is Purple by Jack Prelutsky...