Curriculum night came and we are focused and continue to be in full swing!
I thought I would share a few pics and a freebie from what I share on curriculum night. Curriculum night is an important night for parents and teachers. There is a lot of information that needs to be discussed and sent home. I thought I could hopefully give you a few ideas for your curriculum night.
I place a few items at the students' desk/seats for their parents. I also have a table set aside for our classroom wish list. I place stars on the table and write the items that we need for our classroom.
The following items can be found at their seats:
Mini-Me (Who Am I? activity) on the link to find out more!
Family portrait
Folder (students color)
Inside the folder I include the following:
Copy of my complete powerpoint presentation (parents can keep a copy and take notes)
Reading strategies for home
Math websites
Sheet on ways to raise money for our school
Ways to Motivate your child (freebie below)
Class list
Our first Book Orders
Below you will find pics on how we get our classroom ready...
This is a pic of my classroom door...every so often I will change the pics to update the school community on what we are learning within the classroom. |
We fill buckets in our room... |
We are currently working on our stamina... |
Parents love looking at what their children want to be when they grow up. There are some creative ideas. I place this outside our classroom for all to see. |
On Curriculum Night I have my students create a "mini-me" On the front of the mini-me's, each student fills out a "Who Am I?" mini booklet. The parents have to find their child's mini-me and read the "Who Am I?" mini booklet to make sure they are at the correct seat. The kids were so excited to do this activity...they couldn't wait to hear if their parents could guess where they sat. |
In front of their mini-me's...I place a folder with important info...the kids color their own folders...on top of the folders the kids draw a pic of their guardians or family. |
Click on the pic below for your freebie...